“Growing Minds, Kind Hearts, Rooted in Love”
Our Curriculum
Subject Areas – Science Vision
Note: For 2024-25 we are currently on Year B
At Worlingham CEVC Primary school, our Science curriculum is planned based on the National Curriculum. Each Scientific topic is carefully mapped out through the year groups, sequenced with a progression of knowledge, vocabulary and skills.
When learning new scientific concepts, we aim to build upon prior knowledge. To ensure this, prior learning will be recalled from previous year groups, key stages, or from lesson to lesson, giving children the opportunity to remember and share this, before new knowledge is taught.
At Worlingham, Science lessons are based on a two-part approach. Part one is the teaching of knowledge and vocabulary, part two is implementing knowledge and vocabulary learnt, in a skills-based practical activity.
Scientific knowledge – To ensure that scientific knowledge ‘sticks’, we have many strategies to support children in applying understanding to a range of contexts. Through the use of quizzes, concept cartoons, secondary research, the use of Explorify, and using media (videos, podcasts, presentations), children are able to develop the foundations of their scientific understanding. Knowledge is built upon within a practical environment, where children are given freedom to use their knowledge to set up their own scientific enquiries.
Misconceptions – At Worlingham, children are curious about the Scientific world, and know that they are in a safe environment to not only ask questions, but also to have a go at explaining ‘why’ or ‘how’. Through this security, misconceptions are able to be identified and explored to consolidate knowledge further.
Key vocabulary – Scientific vocabulary is a pivotal part of Science teaching. Vocabulary will be defined, explained and put into context as part of the lesson. It is displayed clearly in classrooms and stated on mark stickers, and repeated and recalled throughout a topic. This vocabulary is then contextualised within practical work, when children set up and undertake investigations, both verbally, and in the recording and write up of enquiries.
Working Scientifically – Children at Worlingham have the opportunity to develop all aspects of working scientifically including:
- The opportunity to be curious and ask their own questions
- Having the opportunity to set up enquiries to answer their own questions
- Setting up experiments by selecting appropriate equipment which they have been taught to use, and observing and measuring to find results
- Recording these results clearly and deciding in the best measurements and ways to record
- Answering their questions based on their findings
- Evaluating how effective their methods of enquiry have been
In addition to Science lessons, children are given opportunities to partake in Science week in May, where the whole school explore a theme together. During science week, we have visitors attend to speak about topics, practical workshops, and also the children from our local High School come to work with us as part of their STEM ambassador award. Where appropriate, school trips are also planned to coincide with Science topics.