
Children must come to school dressed to learn. We have a smart school uniform at Worlingham CEVC Primary School because we think it gives all the children a sense of pride and belonging to our school community. Uniform and other school items are available now directly from Screens Printing in Lowestoft.
Children are encouraged to be dressed neatly and tidily at all times.
The uniform is as follows:
Grey trousers or shorts, grey or black socks appropriate for school wear, V necked navy blue sweater embroidered with school logo, pale blue polo shirt, optional waterproof reversible fleece with embroidered school badge.
Grey skirt or trousers, V necked navy blue sweater or cardigan embroidered with school logo, pale blue polo shirt, grey or black socks or tights (winter), optional waterproof reversible fleece with embroidered school badge, blue checked dress and white socks (summer).
Winter for Boys and Girls
During the colder weather children will be expected to wear coats for outdoor playtimes. Our uniform provider Screens produces a reversible coat which is available for parents to purchase if they so wish.
In addition, gloves, scarves and hats may be worn in very cold weather.
We will not permit any type of balaclava which covers, or partially covers the face or facial features.
Beanie style or bobble hats are suggested as suitable headgear, these are also available to purchase from Screens.
Shoes must be sensible and appropriate. Shoes with heels are discouraged and should be low. We prefer children not to wear trainers.
Please ensure that all clothing is named.
Indoor PE
Navy nylon PE shorts, white PE t-shirt, plimsolls (preferably slip-on for the younger children). Children without plimsolls do PE in bare feet. Trainers are not allowed for indoor PE.
Outdoor PE
Trainers, navy tracksuit/jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt top. Please do not use tops with zips or drawstrings as these can cause injury.
We ask parents to provide small bags for PE and other school equipment.
Children are allowed to wear one small pair of stud earrings. No jewellery is worn during a PE lesson. We ask that if parents wish their child to have their ears pierced, it is done at the beginning of the summer holidays, so that they are healed during the 6 week break.
Children should not come to school with dyed or highly gelled hair.