Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At Worlingham CEVC Primary School every pupil is seen as an individual with individual needs, and the school strives to ensure that everyone feels equally valued within the school community. We are committed to providing children with enjoyable, engaging and stimulating learning experiences, enabling them to be successful, regardless of age, gender, disability, ethic or social group. We provide the most effective and appropriate learning opportunities for the needs of each child, to ensure that they can make the best possible progress in their time at our school. We have high expectations and aspirations for all our children and the achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children matter. For some children aspects of learning can be very difficult; this calls for special educational provision to be made for them. It is our responsibility, working in partnership with parents, to identify children who have special educational needs and to ensure that their needs are met.
The school has a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO) who liaises with staff, parents and agencies to explore the best approaches to use to help children with special educational needs.
We are committed to supporting the wellbeing of all children in relation to being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving and social development.
Good communication and early identification is key to providing timely support and targeted provision. All Teachers in school are accountable for the progress and attainment of children in their class including those with SEND. When a child has been identified as having special educational needs they are placed on the SEND Register at either School Support or Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).
We actively seek to remove barriers to learning and provide the best possible provision and education for them. Where possible, we try to personalise provision to enable pupils to achieve to their full potential. The involvement of parents/carers in their child’s learning is vital to success and we encourage them to work collaboratively with us. Regular review meetings are held and parents/carers are given the opportunity to contribute to these.
Provision maps and Support Plans are written using the evidence provided by assessments made of the child, highlighting their most immediate needs. They will specify targets which can be achieved within a short period of time and state how these targets can be met. Provision maps and Support Plans are written using the Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle of support. They identify children’s strengths, barriers to learning, assessments and targets. They are reviewed termly, identifying progress made and noting any continuing barriers to learning, with either new targets set or the child is deemed not to need another Provision map or Support Plan. An Intervention Map is used to show what interventions and support are being implemented throughout the year.
Each child’s attainment and progress is reviewed as part of an Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle with the SENCO and the Headteacher in Pupil Progress Meetings. Support and training is offered to school staff to improve their understanding of learning difficulties and develop appropriate strategies to support these.
Where necessary referrals to agencies and professionals outside of the school may be used to help assess children and to offer suggestions on how best to meet their needs. Should a child continue to need assistance, they may require more support than the school can reasonably be expected to provide. In such circumstances the school may make a referral to the Local Authority for an assessment to be made. If appropriate an EHCP will be issued detailing the child’s complex special educational needs and the provision necessary to enable the child to make progress towards the objectives in the plan. Our school’s local offer can be found on our website.
The effectiveness and impact of SEND provision is monitored, analysed and amended through:
- The SEN policy being reviewed in accordance with the school policy review cycle.
- The Headteacher and SENDCO carrying out observations, book-looks, data analysis, scrutinising Provision Maps and Support Plans, Intervention Maps, analysis of intervention programmes and consulting with staff and parents.
- Termly ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ meetings focussing on children’s barriers to learning and progress against overcoming those.
- The Headteacher carrying out observations and holding discussions with all parties involved and through Pupil Progress Meetings.
- Governor discussions with the Headteacher, SENCO, staff and parents.
- Teachers reviewing their own practice and reviewing the progress made by each child.