Our Curriculum

Subject Areas – Mathematics

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“Massive Minds, Huge Hearts, Guided by God”

Welcome to the Mathematics section of the website. This subject is detailed by an Intent, Implementation and Impact.


At Worlingham CEVC Primary School, we aim to provide a secure, supportive and enriching environment in which children develop the knowledge and skills to become life-long learners and confident members of the community. Through our maths curriculum, we support this aim by ensuring that all pupils understand the purpose of maths and recognise its links to the wider world, thus giving the subject a clear sense of meaning.

End points: When children leave Worlingham CEVC Primary school:

Children will have………..

1. Recognition of mathematics and its value and importance to life beyond their primary school experience and the wider world, along with the skills to identify patterns in experiences and the opportunity to utilise their mathematical thinking and reasoning skills.

2. Fluency in number including table facts along with written and mental methods and strategies of calculations required for success at KS3 and beyond.

3. Fluency of mathematical vocabulary in order to reason and describe illustrate mathematical processes, thinking and concepts.

4. A resilience and proficiency towards solving problems through exposure and practice to a range of pattern, representation, relationships and structure.

5. A range of strategies in order to solve a wider range of problems whilst having the ability to select appropriate and efficient methods for specific tasks.


Through a progression of concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches, the teaching of mathematics at Worlingham CEVC seeks to build confidence with, and an enthusiasm for, maths. Using statements such as: “Why do you think…”, “Prove it!”, “Convince me”, “Can you tell me how?” and “What do you notice?” within lessons, this provides children with the opportunities to explore their reasoning skills and methods of solving problems.

The children are taught to strengthen their resilience when it comes to problem solving activities; develop their fluency in the recall of number facts and have self-belief when explaining their approaches to reasoning questions and activities.

Children’s contributions to maths are celebrated misconceptions are addressed positively with the understanding that we learn through our mistakes. Children will be supported and encouraged to explore patterns and relationships within number and shape, coupled with an ability to explain ‘why’ and ‘how’ maths ‘works’ using clear mathematical language.

“Maths is a dynamic subject which is integral throughout the curriculum. Our vision is for maths is to be seen as a tool for learning.”

The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all children:

Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that children have conceptual understanding and are able to recall and apply their knowledge rapidly and accurately.

Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.

Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

At Worlingham CEVC primary school teachers follow the schemes of learning published by White Rose Maths to plan effectively, producing lessons incorporating fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

To support an understanding of and recall of tables facts, from Year 1, the children take part in a Maths Olympics challenge within their classroom. These progressive challenges build upon the children’s number bonds and times tables facts. As a ‘medal’ is achieved the next challenge increases in complexity; all set against a 3 minute countdown!


RELATED DOCUMENTS: Mathematics and Calculation Policies


White Rose advice, guidance, and resources for parents and carers.


Topmarks divide games into age categories: 3-5, 5-7, 7-11, and 11-14 years. Categories cover all relevant areas of the National Curriculum.


Each game is aimed at both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 so children select the number range and operation to match their ability. Learning objectives, which are organized by year group, appear alongside each game.


Oxford Owl games are for children aged 3-5, 5-7 and 7-9 years old. There are printable worksheets to reinforce the skills practised in the games.


Nrich is a Cambridge University initiative which aims to develop both children’s mathematical thinking and their problem-solving skills.


