“Growing Minds, Kind Hearts, Rooted in Love”

Our Curriculum

Subject Areas – Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Vision

Note: For 2024-25 we are currently on Year B



We teach French as our Modern Foreign Language in KS2. It is taught in a whole-class setting, using the Rigolo scheme of work to support alongside teacher lead planning. The lessons are designed to motivate children from the first moment and have clear, achievable objectives and incorporate creative activities for different learning styles. French lessons provide a variety of sources to model the language, use games, stories and songs to maximise enjoyment and make as many connections to real life situations as possible. Each lesson, children build on the skills that they have already learnt and develop new ones through a range of fun, exciting and engaging activities:

• learning French vocabulary
• asking and answering questions, and following instructions in French
• reinforcing memory with mime and physical actions
• playing games and learning songs
• video clips
• using bilingual dictionaries
• teaching of basic French grammar, sentence structure and spelling patterns
• learning French phonics
• researching and learning about life in France
• writing phrases and sentences
• reading and listening to bilingual stories
• creative tasks to demonstrate learning.
