“Growing Minds, Kind Hearts, Rooted in Love”

Our Curriculum
Subject Areas – History Vision
Note: For 2024-25 we are currently on Year B

The past influences all aspects of our lives and shapes the customs and beliefs of the community to which we belong. We hope that by learning about the past, the children will be able to develop; a sense of identity, empathy with and understanding of people who have lived in the past, an appreciation of the ways in which we learn about the past and a greater ability to make sense of the world in which they live today.
History in Key Stage One teaches the children to sequence events and to use common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. Children are taught a range of historical knowledge, shown how to identify different ways in which the past is represented, and how to communicate their ideas and understanding using different mediums.
During Key Stage Two children study a variety of topics around Britain, Europe and the Wider World, such as Romans, Tudors, Ancient Greeks and Egyptians and Victorians. The children also look back in history at the local area and learn about famous people through History.